14 simple steps to fight depression | Ways to overcome depression

Have you had a recent breakup or separation or you have peer pressure at workplace? Do you think of doing something not so ethical? Do you feel depressed and low?

 This life by and large is lived with a lot of highs and lows, and we effectively let depression to be a part of our life. This isn't the right activity… It's we, people who let wretchedness stroll with us, in any event, when we can fix things all alone without overthinking or exaggerating.

What is depression according to you? Or putting it another way, what is depression leading to inside you?


     Loss of appetite,

     No purpose of life,

     Improper sleeping pattern,

     Over thinking

     Lack of concentration

     Lack of interest

Do you think staying with all these negative factors inside you could be productive anytime in future?

Nooooooo, I don't think and neither do you…

Sadness and depression are totally common nowadays  and you or somebody you know definitely are going through this phase.

Let's discuss how to overcome and fight the problem of depression and sadness.

1.    Stop overthinking: There are numerous individuals who can't live without being concerned or stressed thus overthinking become some portion of their ordinary life. In any case, you have to quit thinking and quiet yourself down. Rather than overthinking or misrepresenting, take things in a positive way, as heard "Everything happen for a valid reason", you'll see that reason eventually, yet, just in the event that you think positive.

2.    Eat healthy: You'll come across a situation when you’ll either loss your appetite or overeat. Instead, eat healthy, have some green leafy vegetables and seasonal fruits. Having balanced diet can help you to cheer up and lift your mood.

3.    Work on your hobbies:  Each one of us has a few or the other sort of concealed ability inside us. Work on that ability, attempt to be capable and achieve expertise in it. Accomplishing something you love consistently goes about as a stress buster and cause you to feel ecstatic.

4.    Get a good sleep: Eight hours of sleep is essential. Sleeping can help you rejuvenate and attain more energy. This will not only help you to focus better but also let you have upbeat view on life.

5.    Be happy: Surround yourself with the people who propel you and inspire you not the one who let you down. “Your happiness is in your hand” as said by many, you should follow this to proverb in your follow. Also you can watch a movie (hilarious and motivational not sad and emotional) or Netflix or do some cooking, also you can engage yourself in something you love doing.

6.    Talk to your friends and family:  Talking is a delightful treatment and it is said that your companions are the best advisors. So spilling your guts out is the most effortless and the best method to battle melancholy.

7.    Be patient and positive: Be patient because what is yours will come to you no matter what. It’s you who have to be patient and calm and positive about things .

8.    Groom yourself: Self-love is mandatory, so grooming yourself and working upon improving oneself is one way to concentrate on own personality regardless of being depressed about occurrence of situation in past.

9.    Observe the habit that leads you to depression: We ourselves are the best individuals to observe us. And so to help us stay away from such sadness and depression we could keep in mind our habits that make us feel upset, it is said that "old habits die hard". Try to adapt and  adjust in situations.

10.  Exercise: Adrenaline rush in the body while exercising helps to overcome anxiety and depression. You can also indulge yourself in YOGA, GYM, and JOGGING in the nearby garden. 

11.  Read books and write:  Read some motivational books like “The Alchemist” and “The secret”. These kind of books are life changing and can help a person to change the mindset. Also writing and jotting down your thoughts in a diary  in the form of poem, poetry, novel, short story can help you boost your spirit and distract from the unpleasant situation.

12.  Find your passion: I mention above to work on your hobbies, while working on your hobbies you may be able to find your passion.

13.  Set a goal:  Set your routine, set goals and targets for what you should do each day. Reward yourself once the targeted goal is completed, this can help you to focus more and also achieve high in future.

14.  Don't take supplements:  Never rely on any supplements. This is the worst thing to do. If you really are unable to get out of the situation, you should see a doctor and take prescribed supplements only. DO NOT EXPERIMENT THINGS ON YOUR OWN. Your life is precious.

Utilize these simple steps in your life and stay happy.


